IRS 10106-1ed. img
Aktívna norma | Vydaná: 01.01.2023

IRS 10106-1ed.

Commercial framework of international carriage

Dostupné jazyky: Anglicky

Dostupné prevedenie: Elektronické PDF

od 667.00 EUR zobraziť na eshopu

Podrobné informácie

Označenie: IRS 10106-1ed.

Dátum vydania: 01.01.2023

Stránok: 28

Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma

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This IRS deals with the commercial framework complementing IRS 90918-10 (Open Sales and Distribution Model OSDM). It includes the structure of Special conditions of carriage and describes the roles of stakeholders within the process of ticket distribution. It is made for UIC-members participating in OSDM data exchange and ticket distribution. It contains provisions for UIC members to handle ticket distribution based on OSDM-data imported from UIC-DRTF (see Abbreviations and Symbols - page 6). It integrates in full or in part the following UIC leaflets: - UIC Leaflet 106 - UIC Leaflet 130 It aims to complement the following standards: - IRS 90918-10
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