IRS 10145-1ed. img
Aktívna norma | Vydaná: 01.06.2023

IRS 10145-1ed.

Recommendations for the organisation of assistance services for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility

Dostupné jazyky: Anglicky

Dostupné prevedenie: Elektronické PDF

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Podrobné informácie

Označenie: IRS 10145-1ed.

Dátum vydania: 01.06.2023

Stránok: 69

Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma

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This IRS describes the process of delivering assistance to persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility, unless autonomous barrier-free access to train services is possible. It provides recommendations for assistance delivery and communication flows between the players involved. The IRS describes best practices and the steps that members of UIC PASSAGE (Passenger Accessibility Solutions Support and Action Group of Experts) are taking to fulfil their obligations in respect of current legislation. Since 2010, representatives from most of the main railway companies in Europe meet regularly to discuss about accessibility issues and PRM policies in a working group. At the moment this group started its works there were many legal changes in Europe regarding PRM policies, and an increasing social pressure on this subject. Moreover, it was made clear from the beginning that a good PRM policy would lead to an improvement of capacity in railway, which would lead to an increase in the number of passengers and to a growth of positive awareness in terms of international cooperation. This group is called PASSAGE, and during these years it has become the biggest reference in railway accessibility in Europe. Currently there are 25 members, including two from North America and one from Morocco. It integrates in full or in part the following UIC leaflets: UIC Leaflet 145 "Recommendations for the organisation of assistance services for persons with reduced mobility"
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